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How to Make an Air Plant Hanger


Today I’m revisiting my previous post using bangles, wire, and beads to make something completely new and fun. This time, we’re leaving it hollow inside so that it can hold an air plant!

Here is a list of materials with links to the beads and tools that I used in this video tutorial. You might already have a lot of these things in your craft box already!




These are not affiliate links and this post is not sponsored, but I just wanted to show you guys where I got each of these pieces from. I‘ve found that scavengIng thrifted clothing and jewelry is a fantastic way to save money on beads. I know a lot of people prefer not to shop at certain companies due to personal beliefs, which is a stance that I ABSOLUTELY respect. I try to thrift and recycle as much as I can, but I’m also aware that it can be incredibly difficult and expensive to find sustainable and affordable craft supplies.

I really hate to ramble, so I’ll go ahead and wrap this up. Thanks for stopping by, and let me know if you make something following this tutorial! I’d love to see what you make!

But before I sign off...

Arts and crafts have really been helping me cope with anxiety and depression, especially over the last few months. In addition to prioritizing your own health and well-being, please consider contributing these organizations who are dedicated to fighting for justice, safety, and equality.

And don’t forget to register to vote!

Stay safe, stay healthy, and take care.

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